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EXHIBITION VIEW: Censorship / MATERIAL: digital Video / WAX:AND:GOLD workshop / LOCATION: Arat-kilo, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia / DATE: 17 july 2013 / DURATION: 30min



Netsa Art Village, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia 

This performance was realized in the framework of Wax and Gold, a project developed by Netsa Art Village in Addis Ababa. The aim of the project was to elicit discourse about freedom of artistic expression and censorship. My performance was about censorship in printed and electronic media
The bug zapper apparatus is one example of the many technological devices produced in China, which are sold on the Ethiopian market. Through their market interest, Chinese interest represents a major driving force behind Ethiopian censorship.

PERFORMANCE STILL: Censorship / MATERIAL: bug zapper, piece of papers cut out from local newspapers / LOCATION: Piassa and Beherawi Theater, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia / DATE: 17 July, 2013 / DURATION: 60min

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