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Lekiso-bet | ለቅሶ ቤት
2016 - 2017
Oslo, Norway

Lekiso-bet, meaning house of lamentation in Amharic. It is a platform that narrates the subject of boat refugees with the notions of collective memory, social spaces, and temporality. The idea of Lekiso bet portrays refugee’s temporal shelters (spaces) and from the social custom during a time of mourning in Ethiopia. It is one way to understand the role of Ephemeral space like lekiso-bet on relational aesthetics.

EXHIBITION VIEW: INSTALLATION, Lekiso-bet \ ለቅሶ ቤት / 2016 - 2017 / 8 x 6 x 4m / MATERIAL: Canvas tent, Screen-print, Wooden bench,
2-channel audio

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