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Temporary outdoor installation: Om hundre år er allting glemt / 2015 /  MATERIAL: two thousand discarded books 

Om hundre år er allting glemt

20.June - 20 August 2015

Osterøy, Norway

In collaboration with Marie Skeie, Vibeke Frost Andersen, Jean Baptiste Bovardi, and Osterøy public library.

Invited by the public library at Osterøy. We drove around the whole island to find a site for the work. At the very end of the road we found a field next to a tiny village by the fjord. Om 100 år er all ting glemt 100 years are all things forgotten is a visual comment on the production of information and a response on the agricultural politics of Norway. The project creates discussion within the villagers of fiord and indicates new approaches in the public art production. 

EXHIBITION VIEW: Om hundre år er allting glemt, / Osterøy / DATE: 20. June - 20. August 2015

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